Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Gifts for Archivists!

Some very cute gifts for that special archivist in your life (or even yourself!)... Just don't forget this is the last week to ensure delivery by Christmas!

More from ...

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Embed Slideshows, sans Flash

I am a huge fan of iPods, iPads, and iPhones. But, there's no ignoring the fact that they are not Flash compatible. Unfortunately, until recently embedding slideshows has always been a Flash game, resulting in Apple mobile device users being left in the dust. But now, there is a website ( that will convert your slideshows that are on SlideShare into HTML that can be embedded into your page and read on any device.

Here's an example of a recent presentation I did about my digitization project at The Ohio State University's Byrd Polar Research Center Archival Program:

As you can see, the essential features are still there (next/previous) and it's completely viewable on an iPad or other Apple device.

Granted, if your Apple end-user really wants Flash capability, there is Skyfire, an Apple-approved web browser available in the iTunes store, that will convert Flash content into HTML5. But as someone who is trying to share information, this is just another part of ensuring accessibility.

Back from an unintentional break!

So the last 3-4 weeks has been filled with packing up our posessions, moving halfway across the country, finding a new place to live, and starting a new job. No longer based in Ohio, I've accepted a position at Luther College in Iowa as the new Project Cataloging Archivist.

This will mean that I probably won't be blogging as frequently as I was in October, but hopefully will try to write at least once or twice a month.

That being said, I am elated to be at Luther and I look forward to the many new experiences I'll have and I'm sure it will help this blog become a bit broader in scope!