Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A New Resource for Archives Job Seekers

Though I'm certainly not the first to blog about this new site, it was recently forwarded to me through the Kent State Univ. listserv. There's been quite a lot of buzz about it, and rightfully so! Opencoverletters.com is a site that shows cover letters written by those seeking jobs in the library and archives fields. Not only are they specific to our industry, but they have all led to interviews.

I strongly suggest that those who have written interview-getting cover letters submit their own. All personal information is redacted to protect privacy and to avoid awkward work situations. Plus, think of the karma points when your job search begins and you find yourself needing a little guidance! :)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Glogster: An Interactive Poster

Have you heard of Glogster? Perhaps I'm a little behind the times, as it was founded in 2007, but I just recently saw it and it's a fantastic output for information and a great way to teach information and communication in the classroom. Here's the "About Glogster" Glog (click the green button in the top left if you want the music to stop):

Here is one that is focused on classroom learning and information literacy:

The possibilities are endless ! It would be great to see some creative outreach in the Glogster format- Archives Month would be a great example.